Mother's day is coming up so I thought that this was an appropriate thing to add to our site. Whether you are planning to have a baby, pregnant now, your kids are in school, or their grown up and out of the house this story is meant to encourage all women that read this.
When I was 8, I had names picked out for all of my future offspring (A DOZEN baby girls). At 13 I had my own babysitting business. After grad school, I was teaching a class full of fourth-graders. So by the time I became pregnant with my first child (a boy, go figure!) I knew exactly what kind of mother I was going to be calm, organized and completely in charge. Yeah, right!
If there's one thing I've learned after four kids and 17 years of parenting, it's this: As much as the mother sahpes the child, the child shapes the mom.
Despite my intentions of being a cool-as-a-cucumber parent, the birth of my first child, Brandon, now 17, transformed me into a maternal tossed salad. For the first two years of his life, I refused to leave the house without my What to Expect manual for fear I might need to know how to make a baby tourniquet or something.
Impossibly, it would seem, Brandon grew up to be the most serene and easygoing person I've ever known. Like a human tranquilizer, he puts me at ease, offering me a voice of reason in way few others can. "You should be less worried about me getting E. coli from a raw hamburger and more worried about me choking on this overcooked hockey puck!" he once said during dinner. I had to laugh. He had a point- and it wasn't the first time. I needed to chill. Maybe I'm not the unflappable parent I'd hoped to be, but thanks to my laid-back eldest, I'm a little closer to it.
Where Brandon was born to go with the flow, my second son, Alex, 15, carves his own current. When he was 12, Alex wanted to take electric guitar lessons I said no- he had enough going on with school, baseball and football. So he got some secondhand strings, taught himself to play via instructional YouTube videos, and started a band with some middle-school buddies. Take-charge Mama might have grounded her willful son, but something in me had changed. Instead of getting angry, I threw a huge get together in the basement and invited everyone over for The Allies' first concert.
Somewhere along the way, this staunchly inner-directed child had taught me that my purpose in parenting is not to tell him when, where and how to flap his wings, but to give him the ability to soar, unafraid, on his own.
By the time my third son, Jake, came along, I was less hovering (thanks, Brandon) and less controlling (thanks Alex). But I was still clinging to my super-organized, scheduled-down-to-the-last-minute tendencies. As with my first two sons, Jake certainly changed all that.
Here is a 10-year-old brimming with curiosity, who collects information like other kids collect baseball cards. Mothering him is like being a perpetual contestant on Jeopardy! The trouble is joining my son in his knowledge quests can take a lot of time! Practice with him for the geography bee? Of course. But I had to brush up first. Read the five-book The Lightning Thief series with him? Sure. And 28 hours of reading later (yes, 28!), we finally finished the last book. But I wouldn't have missed those juicy mother-son book chats for anything.
With Jake as my guide, I've learned to look up from my weekly planer every now and then to see the world, and to stop and smell the roses, even if they're not exactly on the way.
Looking back, the mom I thought I'd be all those years ago certainly isn't the mom I've become. My kids have seen to that. But my spirited 7 year old Emma sometimes reminds me of the little girl I used to be. After being beckoned to her room "to see something important," I was greeted by a display of 12 dolls lined up on her bed. "They're my babies!" she announced before rattling off their names one by one.
by Sharon Estroff

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, December 21, 2009
(I come across this poem and I had to put it on here. I hope it blesses you girls!!!)
What a beautiful smile; A radiant girl
fell in love first time I saw her; She stays on my mind
I'd give anything; To know everything about her
There's light in her eyes; And know it's all for Him
She carries on and on; Like He was her best friend
She's in love; it's not hard to see
But I would like to believe it was with me
Someone got a hold of her heart
And He won't let go
And I know; She's in love
She looks to the sky; When she talks about Him
She believes He hung the moon; Said He had to go away
She waits for His return; Says He's coming for her soon
How can this be fair?
This guy can walk on water
Don't guess I've got a prayer
He's written love letters to reach her
She worships the ground He walks on
She just smiles when she says His name
It's a match made in heaven
I can't compete with the king of kings.
-A Christ-Consumed Heart
"Until a guy can truly say that about your life, you aren't ready for an earthly "Prince Charming." Until Jesus Christ is the obsession of your heart, you'll always be looking to mere men to meet needs only He can fill." - Leslie Ludy
What a beautiful smile; A radiant girl
fell in love first time I saw her; She stays on my mind
I'd give anything; To know everything about her
There's light in her eyes; And know it's all for Him
She carries on and on; Like He was her best friend
She's in love; it's not hard to see
But I would like to believe it was with me
Someone got a hold of her heart
And He won't let go
And I know; She's in love
She looks to the sky; When she talks about Him
She believes He hung the moon; Said He had to go away
She waits for His return; Says He's coming for her soon
How can this be fair?
This guy can walk on water
Don't guess I've got a prayer
He's written love letters to reach her
She worships the ground He walks on
She just smiles when she says His name
It's a match made in heaven
I can't compete with the king of kings.
-A Christ-Consumed Heart
"Until a guy can truly say that about your life, you aren't ready for an earthly "Prince Charming." Until Jesus Christ is the obsession of your heart, you'll always be looking to mere men to meet needs only He can fill." - Leslie Ludy
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Discovering your Purpose Before Dating!!!
Hi everyone,
It's me Donna.
I am very happy to share with you a message that God has given to me. I am a single woman, I have experienced this in my own life. As a single woman, I know the frustration, as well as, expectation of that special someone.
First: We began with how the Bible depicts a
" Virtuous Woman."
read in Proverbs 31:10-31
Second: Ask yourself - What are your intentions when you begin to date?
Third: Godly Standards.
1. A Godly man
2. Do we share the same beliefs ( very important not to be unequally yoked)
3. successful in the work force ( does he have a job?)
4. Etc.
Fourth: NO MEANS NO!!!!!
1. Make sure that he respects you!
2. Do not settle!
Fifth: avoiding lust!
Do not put yourself in a position that you may have a chance to be tempted!
sixth: putting a Godly filter on our minds!
Philippians 4:8
Seventh and final: How to know that this "guy" is lining up with what the word of God says he should be? Answer: GET IN THE WORD AND FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF!!!!
This is for someone who may be struggling with this same situation, and is looking for answers to know how to avoid all the drama!
Donna's advice: Just do it Gods way, He will never lead you in the wrong direction!
It's me Donna.
I am very happy to share with you a message that God has given to me. I am a single woman, I have experienced this in my own life. As a single woman, I know the frustration, as well as, expectation of that special someone.
First: We began with how the Bible depicts a
" Virtuous Woman."
read in Proverbs 31:10-31
Second: Ask yourself - What are your intentions when you begin to date?
Third: Godly Standards.
1. A Godly man
2. Do we share the same beliefs ( very important not to be unequally yoked)
3. successful in the work force ( does he have a job?)
4. Etc.
Fourth: NO MEANS NO!!!!!
1. Make sure that he respects you!
2. Do not settle!
Fifth: avoiding lust!
Do not put yourself in a position that you may have a chance to be tempted!
sixth: putting a Godly filter on our minds!
Philippians 4:8
Seventh and final: How to know that this "guy" is lining up with what the word of God says he should be? Answer: GET IN THE WORD AND FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF!!!!
This is for someone who may be struggling with this same situation, and is looking for answers to know how to avoid all the drama!
Donna's advice: Just do it Gods way, He will never lead you in the wrong direction!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Hello, this Sis. Ashley Byrd
I am pleased to introduce "The Kings Daughter's". To anyone who has not heard of it yet, it is a monthly event with girl participants ages 10-18 years old. Anyone is welcomed to attend, but of course common courtesy, modesty, obedience will be expected of attendees. Girls that attend will be taught what it means to become a woman of God by learning what is expected of them through God's Holy Word.
Sis. Ashley Byrd
Sis. Ashley Byrd
Monday, November 2, 2009
Immodest dress may be defined to include short skirts, short shorts, shirts that do not cover the stomach, tight clothing, low-cut shirts, strapless shirts or dresses, or clothing that emphasizes certain areas of the body
“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.” (I Timothy 2:9-10)
If you’re not sure about any particular item of clothing just always remember longer is definitely more modest than shorter. Great care should be taken to ensure modesty in dress. This care will show that you respect the body that God has given you
“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.” (I Timothy 2:9-10)
If you’re not sure about any particular item of clothing just always remember longer is definitely more modest than shorter. Great care should be taken to ensure modesty in dress. This care will show that you respect the body that God has given you
Lesson #1 MODESTY
Well....we had a very successful King's Daughter meeting last Friday night. I haven't laughed that had in a long time. The girls really enjoyed it. Here are some highlighted things that we went over during our meeting.
Intro – Definition of MODESTY
MODEST – Not conceited or vain, not self-assertive, not displaying ones body, freedom from exaggeration. Synonyms- Moderate, meek, delicate, humble, innocent. Antonyms- Conceited, boastful, arrogant, prideful, egotistic.
I Tim. 2:9 gives us a command to be modest in all things
I Pet. 2:9 Tells us that we are to be different from the world in the way we act, dress, talk, who we choose to be around, etc.
A Christian woman should desire to dress and be modest in all things (not because it’s necessarily fun or easy sometimes, but because it pleases the LORD!!
We need to dress in a manner that is pleasing to HIM!!
The Bible says that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost!!! We need to Glorify him not Glorify our bodies. We need to point people to the Savior not to our hips, breasts, or butt.
Your clothing should be a frame for your face not to be used to emphasize specific body parts.
Ask yourself this question. Does God care more about fashion or modesty?
How many of you want to marry a 100% Godly man?
A popular saying concerning RELATIONSHIPS states “whatever bait you use determines the type of fish you’ll catch.”
When young women dress provocatively it draws the attention of young men who are more interested in their bodies than their minds, heart or personalities.
Many women think the way to find a man is to fix up the outward appearance while all- together neglecting the inward. Such aggressive women may very well find a husband but she won’t find a Godly one. She’ll find one of the world just like she is!!
A 100% Godly man will see right through that kind of woman!! They will not want someone that looks and acts like the world.
Prov. 31:30 says it best. “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
To a Godly man a woman can be the most beautiful woman in the world but if she is LUEDE, SLOUCHY, FILTHY TALKING, ARGUMENTATIVE, CRITICAL, BOSSY, SILLY, SELF- PITTYED, LOUD MOUTH, OR DUMB she will not be attractive.
Yes, guys do have a natural attraction to the look of the woman on the outside, but that doesn’t mean you have to expose yourself to create beauty.
To a Godly man slutty clothes are nauseating!!! (if it’s not then he’s not where he needs to be with God and is not husband material yet anyway!) He’s NOT QUALIFIED!!!
A godly man is attracted to a woman who:
Has a gracious manner.
Is pleasant and cheerful with a healthy sense of humor.
Is discreet in the use of her body.
Has an upbeat, hopeful view of life.
Is not easily distraught.
Can express her personal vies without being forward or pushy.
Has a good way with children.
Is comfortable with herself as a woman.
Has initiative and a healthy imagination.
Is faithful and trustworthy with information.
NOW IT’S TIME FOR OUR MODEST IS HOTTEST FASHION SHOW……. Where all the latest fashions prove that modesty is in fact the way to go!!! Why, you say? Well let’s take a look at these not so lovely models and find out!! (encourage them to laugh and participate)
Things to Remember about MODESTY
o Modesty is not just with how you dress. It’s in speech, jewelry, makeup, perfume, etc.
o PERFUME - Someone once said “if your perfume enters the rooms before you do….you’re wearing TOO much!!” (The same goes for your fragrance lingering in a thick cloud after you’ve left a room.)
o MAKEUP- should be used to enhance not cover up.
o JEWELRY- Just remember - Don’t be Mrs. T
o SPEECH- Don’t be pushy, loud mouth, chatter box, filthy talking
We are to please God in every area of our live. As a Christian we are to represent Christ to a lost and dying world by daring to be different. Hold your head up high and lift up a standard of purity and holiness!!!!
Intro – Definition of MODESTY
MODEST – Not conceited or vain, not self-assertive, not displaying ones body, freedom from exaggeration. Synonyms- Moderate, meek, delicate, humble, innocent. Antonyms- Conceited, boastful, arrogant, prideful, egotistic.
I Tim. 2:9 gives us a command to be modest in all things
I Pet. 2:9 Tells us that we are to be different from the world in the way we act, dress, talk, who we choose to be around, etc.
A Christian woman should desire to dress and be modest in all things (not because it’s necessarily fun or easy sometimes, but because it pleases the LORD!!
We need to dress in a manner that is pleasing to HIM!!
The Bible says that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost!!! We need to Glorify him not Glorify our bodies. We need to point people to the Savior not to our hips, breasts, or butt.
Your clothing should be a frame for your face not to be used to emphasize specific body parts.
Ask yourself this question. Does God care more about fashion or modesty?
How many of you want to marry a 100% Godly man?
A popular saying concerning RELATIONSHIPS states “whatever bait you use determines the type of fish you’ll catch.”
When young women dress provocatively it draws the attention of young men who are more interested in their bodies than their minds, heart or personalities.
Many women think the way to find a man is to fix up the outward appearance while all- together neglecting the inward. Such aggressive women may very well find a husband but she won’t find a Godly one. She’ll find one of the world just like she is!!
A 100% Godly man will see right through that kind of woman!! They will not want someone that looks and acts like the world.
Prov. 31:30 says it best. “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
To a Godly man a woman can be the most beautiful woman in the world but if she is LUEDE, SLOUCHY, FILTHY TALKING, ARGUMENTATIVE, CRITICAL, BOSSY, SILLY, SELF- PITTYED, LOUD MOUTH, OR DUMB she will not be attractive.
Yes, guys do have a natural attraction to the look of the woman on the outside, but that doesn’t mean you have to expose yourself to create beauty.
To a Godly man slutty clothes are nauseating!!! (if it’s not then he’s not where he needs to be with God and is not husband material yet anyway!) He’s NOT QUALIFIED!!!
A godly man is attracted to a woman who:
Has a gracious manner.
Is pleasant and cheerful with a healthy sense of humor.
Is discreet in the use of her body.
Has an upbeat, hopeful view of life.
Is not easily distraught.
Can express her personal vies without being forward or pushy.
Has a good way with children.
Is comfortable with herself as a woman.
Has initiative and a healthy imagination.
Is faithful and trustworthy with information.
NOW IT’S TIME FOR OUR MODEST IS HOTTEST FASHION SHOW……. Where all the latest fashions prove that modesty is in fact the way to go!!! Why, you say? Well let’s take a look at these not so lovely models and find out!! (encourage them to laugh and participate)
Things to Remember about MODESTY
o Modesty is not just with how you dress. It’s in speech, jewelry, makeup, perfume, etc.
o PERFUME - Someone once said “if your perfume enters the rooms before you do….you’re wearing TOO much!!” (The same goes for your fragrance lingering in a thick cloud after you’ve left a room.)
o MAKEUP- should be used to enhance not cover up.
o JEWELRY- Just remember - Don’t be Mrs. T
o SPEECH- Don’t be pushy, loud mouth, chatter box, filthy talking
We are to please God in every area of our live. As a Christian we are to represent Christ to a lost and dying world by daring to be different. Hold your head up high and lift up a standard of purity and holiness!!!!
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